Sandwich showdown at MCCC

By Diane VanDyke
蒙哥马利县社区学院的烹饪学生参加了由吉恩·杜根和希拉·杜根赞助的第二届年度不爽三明治挑战赛. 12. Sarah Bagley and Ashaleea Walker won the competition with their sandwich, "The Sweet Chick." From 左:吉恩·杜根、阿莎莉娅·沃克、莎拉·巴格利和希拉·杜根. Photo by Diane VanDyke

蒙哥马利县社区学院的烹饪学生参加了第二届年度比赛 脾气暴躁的三明治挑战由吉恩和希拉·杜根于10月9日赞助. 12. Sarah Bagley 阿什莉娅·沃克以他们的三明治“甜小鸡”赢得了比赛." From 左:吉恩·杜根、阿莎莉娅·沃克、莎拉·巴格利和希拉·杜根. Photo by Diane VanDyke

揭开神秘配料的面纱——鸡胸肉、培根、蔓越莓干 和墨西哥胡椒味的薯片——标志着第二届不爽餐厅的开始 三明治挑战赛在蒙哥马利县社区学院波茨敦校区举行 during the evening of Oct. 12.

MCCC的烹饪艺术学生只有45分钟的时间来制作最美味的三明治 使用这些神秘的食材,以及包括西红柿在内的食品储藏室主食, lettuce, onions, herbs, cheese and a variety of breads.

几分钟后,熏肉的香气滋滋作响,还有忙碌的刀具切菜的声音 filled the air of South Hall, as the students got to work.

“这项一年一度的比赛不仅能让学生们快速反应,而且还能让他们快速思考 他们在课堂上学到的食材和烹饪技巧都很有创意,” said Karima Roepel, Director of the Hospitality Institute. “This contextual experience 通过以有趣的方式结合现实生活中的情况和适应来促进团队合作.”

group photo of students, judges, Dugans四组学生每组两名参加比赛,争夺在不爽餐厅获得一席之地的梦寐以求的奖品 菜单,MCCC酒店学院的免费课程,现金奖励和烹饪 items from Grumpy’s. 所有参与者都得到了t恤、围裙和帽子,并获得了体验 of cooking under the pressure of timed competition.

希拉和吉恩·杜根,脾气暴躁的手工雕刻三明治店的老板,街137号. High Street, 他们将从在他们餐厅购买的获奖三明治中捐出2美元 到MCCC的波茨敦校园卓越基金.

Baguette Brigade这些团队包括第一组,“法棍面包旅”,由奥杜邦的尼基·莱昂内(Nikki Leone)和 Austin Sanders, of Folcroft. Leone, who has a bachelor’s degree in food science from 她正在攻读烘焙专业的副学士学位 & Pastry. Her 目标是在未来七年内开一家可持续发展的面包店. Sanders is working on 他正在攻读烹饪艺术的副学士学位,他想成为一名私人厨师,并经常旅行 around the world.

Yummy Tummys第二组,“美味肚子”,包括波茨敦的阿莎莉娅·沃克和莎拉·巴格利, of Elkins Park. Walker is working on her associate’s degree in Baking & Pastry and hopes to own her own pastry truck someday. Bagley started her pathway to an associate’s degree in Culinary Arts this semester. She hopes to own a restaurant, food truck or bistro.

Shake and Bake team第三组,“摇和烤”,包括来自霍舍姆的艾登·罗德里格斯和迈克尔·门泽, of Limerick. 罗德里格斯说,他就是喜欢做饭,他一直在厨房里 since he was a little kid. 门泽还计划获得烹饪专业的副学士学位 Arts.

Eats Everything Team第4组“什么都吃”,包括兰斯代尔的卡莱尔·齐格和阿里安娜·基弗, of Souderton. Zeiger的目标是成为一名糕点师,Keifer想拥有自己的面包店 after earning her associate’s degree in Baking & Pastry.

在整个比赛中,主持马特·波特,高级制片人和技术服务 经理汇报了三明治楼的情况,并提醒了同学们 of the remaining time. 中冶大众传媒制作班学生录像 the competition.

随着时间的流逝,学生们对他们的三明治做了最后的修饰, 加入配菜和酱汁,并小心地把它们摆放在盘子里,给人留下深刻的印象 the judges.

This year, Donald Lyons, MCCC Board of Trustees member; Dr. Chae Sweet, MCCC Vice President of Academic Affairs and Provost; and Phil Needles, Vice President of Engagement and Student Experience served as the judges. They evaluated each sandwich on presentation, 口味和创意在使用的秘密成分,分级1到 5. The sandwich with the most points won.

Sweet Chick sandwich在他们完成评估后,MCCC教员多样性研究员/会计Shavelle Hunter, 计算分数并宣布获胜队伍:Yummy Tummys. After hugs and 几滴喜悦的泪水,沃克和巴格利决定给他们的获奖三明治命名, “Sweet Chick.”

“It’s unbelievable,” Walker said about winning. “I thought I messed up the chicken, but I am ecstatic and just beside myself.”

“I’m really excited and never expected this,” Bagley said. “This is my first semester at MCCC—I’ve only been taking classes for a few weeks.”

他们的拿手好菜是jalapeño-crusted鸡胸肉上撒酥脆 培根、胡椒杰克奶酪、洋葱、生菜和西红柿,还有用第戎芥末做的酱汁, fig jam and dried cranberries. They served it on toasted ciabatta bread and garnished with a pickle.

活动期间,社区成员可以与获奖学生见面,并品尝“甜鸡”三明治 Grumpy’s open house event on Thursday, Oct. 26, from 6-8 p.m.

$200 donation这是杜根夫妇在MCCC赞助的第二次三明治挑战赛. They hosted the 2022 Sandwich Challenge as part of MCCC’s 25th anniversary celebration of its Pottstown Campus. From the proceeds of that winning sandwich, the Sweet & Savory Salmon, the Dugans presented a $200 check to MCCC.

MCCC’s Hospitality Institute 是该地区创新、实惠的烹饪艺术教育和培训的发源地, 以及非学分烹饪爱好者和专业发展课程. 目前正在建设一个新的24,000多平方英尺的酒店学院 building on MCCC’s Blue Bell Campus. The new building 将包括巧克力、意大利面和发酵的特殊实验室吗 作为一家学生经营的餐厅,计划于2024年秋季开业.