


取代2021年6月, 2010年2月,2001年4月


The policy provides guidance in identifying and prioritizing the appropriate use of 学院设施.


The College will make its facilities available to community groups, organizations, (“用户”或“用户”). 非学院设施用户将会 be charged rental fees appropriate to the facilities used, the date and time required; 以及提出请求的组织类型.

蒙哥马利县社区学院 campus activities take priority over all other 要求使用设施. 此外,考虑到外部组织的要求 use of the College’s facility will be based on the alignment with the objectives and 书院的使命.

设施 are available for use to political organizations and candidates for political 办公室按B类定价,定义如下. 学院不认可 任何政党或候选人. 

所有 organizations are to follow federal, state, and local law and all other College 有关设施使用的政策.

在签章前,不准使用设施 使用许可协议 is executed by the College and a 用户(s), the requisite Certificate of 保险 提交,并全额支付费用.


Space will be made available for College activities in the following order of priorities:

  1. 大学学分和非学分课程
  2. 学院官方活动
  3. 大学赞助的学生节目和体育赛事

优先级II -外部组织


A Activities of official departments of the County of Montgomery, the Commonwealth of 宾夕法尼亚州和美国政府.
B Non-profit educational institutions, organizations affiliated with schools and community based organizations, community residents, College alum, and current College employees.
C 营利性组织.

A Montgomery County address must appear on the Certificate of 保险 to be eligible for "In County" rates except (i) when a local chapter or affiliate of a non-profit is provided insurance coverage under an umbrella insurance policy of a national organization, (ii)申请人是学院校友或现任学院员工.


所有 external organizations with the exception of Category "A" are required to 提交 保险证明(费用由承租人承担)如下:

  • 商业一般责任. 包括合同责任、人身伤害/广告 Injury, Completed Operations/Products Liability coverage as well as sexual abuse and molestation coverage at the minimum limit of $1,000,000 per occurrence and $2,000,000 政策总. If alcohol is being served and 用户 is not in the business of manufacturing, selling, or distributing alcohol, Host Liqour Liability coverage shall be included in the General Liability coverage at the minimum limit of $1,000,000 aggregate limit-per 事故及保单合计2,000,000美元. 
    • NOTE: General Liability limits may be secured through a combination of priary and 超额负债安置.
  • 酒责任. 如果用户 是 从事制造、销售或 distributing alcohol at the minimum limit of $1,000,000 per occurrence and $2,000,000 政策总. 
  • 商用汽车责任. 当用户或用户的代理驱动或时需要 anticipates driving 在校园 or on business related to the performance of 服务 under the 使用许可协议 at $1,000,000 per occurrence combined single limit 对人身伤害和财产损失负责. 
    • NOTE: Automobile liability limits may be secured through a combination of primary 以及超额负债配置.
  • 工人赔偿和雇主责任. 法定限额要求,主题 适用州法律. 雇主责任限额不少于每人$1,000,000 个人,每次伤害100万美元.
    • NOTE: Employers liability limits may be secured through a combination of primary and 超额负债安置.
  • 伞/过多的责任. 要求 每次事故$2,000,000,保单$2,000,000 aggregate following form of underlying insurance including general liability, automobile 责任险、雇主责任险和酒类责任险.
  • 放弃代位权. 用户应并确实在此放弃任何代位权 that it or any of its insurers may have against 蒙哥马利县社区学院, its agents, employees or its insurers for any resulting loss or claim it may have 由上述保险公司进行辩护和赔偿.
  • 额外的保险. 蒙哥马利县社区学院应命名为“附加” Insured” on all liability insurance policies except for Workers’ Compensation.
  • 主要的 & 由雇主支付的. 上述所有保险单均应生效 a primary basis non-contributory with any other insurance coverages and/or self-insurance 由蒙哥马利县社区学院主办 

The insurance coverages outlined above are the College’s standard requirements. 保险 证书必须在活动前5天提供. 未能提供遗嘱 导致事件取消. 所有的保险事项都必须有保险单 被授权在宾夕法尼亚州做生意的公司. 所有保险 证书须经学院批准. 

NOTE: If the nature and/or scope of the work performed by the 用户 justifies it, evidence of higher limits of coverage and/or Excess Liability coverage may be required of the 用户. Proof of insurance shall be evidenced by duly authenticated certificates of insurance delivered to MCCC at the address set forth prior to start of operations 在校园.  These certificates shall show the insurance type, amount, class of operations 保单的承保范围、生效日期和到期日期.  这样的证书 shall also contain the following statement or its substantial equivalent: “用户 will endeavor to notify MCCC if the insurance covered by this certificate will be canceled 或者物质上的改变.” 

If, for any reason, MCCC considers the certificate unsatisfactory, it may reject the same and demand of the 用户 a duly certified copy of the insurance policy involved. MCCC shall maintain fire insurance for the Premises, but 用户 hereby acknowledges that said insurance shall not provide coverage for the personal property of 用户, its staff and invitees, and insurance coverage for such property shall be at the sole 用户的义务和费用. 


设施使用费、租金及设备/服务费 & 包 作为本保单的附录. 所有费用必须在5天内付清 活动前. 如未能提供,将导致活动取消. 

In the event the College approves a raise in fees, any External Organization that already has a fully executed 使用许可协议 on file will not be charged 所述费用有任何差异. 


The approval for waiver of any fees must be granted through the President or the President’s 被任命者. 豁免费用仍然需要提交所有所需文件, 如上所述.  

酒精使用 & 保险

Alcoholic beverages shall not be bought, consumed, or sold at the College except as 由学院院长授权.
(政策5.5 .预防吸毒和酗酒

Presidential Authorization of the use of alcohol may be requested via the Alcohol 申请表. 酒精申请表格应在不少于十(10)个工作日提交 活动日期的前几天. 自带饮料(俗称自带饮料) 活动严禁. 

保险 coverage for alcohol use is required, 如上所述 in 保险 Requirements 外部机构. 卖酒的小贩必须提交许可证 宾夕法尼亚州酒类管制委员会(PLCB). 


本政策将根据政策1进行审查.3:政策制定. 所有 facility use rental fees will be reviewed on an annual basis by the 校董会.